Welcome !

Thank you for visiting our Gift Giveaway + Events division.

Should you have any questions, kindly contact us by using the ‘Chat’ button on the right side of your screen.

We look forward to being of service to you.


Gift Giveaway and Events

How To Enter

Individuals must be 'registered' as a Member. Individual must also be an 'active shipper', meaning that the Member must have packages/cargo moving through our services during the month of our the event.

Gift Giveaway and Events

Optimize being a Winner

By shipping several packages/ cargo through our service you are then able to increase your chances in becoming a winner; as each 'Package ID Number' is used as a raffle number

Gift Giveaway and Events

Collecting your Gift

Winners are given their winning-gift at our Branch Offices in the respective Countries that are hosting these events. As these events will be video recorded and posted in both the local media and our social media sites; we ask that all winners be dressed 'smart casual'
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Welcome to our long awaited monthly Gift Giveaway Events – with gifts ranging from Flat-screen TV’s, Laptops, Gift Certificates and much more. Ensure that you are an active Registered Member to enter these free events.
Register Now to Enjoy this Events GiveawaysEnter to Win